The Barn in Mariemont
Co-Presidents Janine Keaton and Ellen Berninger presiding
We met for the first time at our new location and everyone loved it. Guild members described it as: friendly, bright, light, inviting, artsy, creative, fresh, inspiring, welcoming, and worth the drive.
(This month's post is a tad light on photos - sorry! We were having too much fun and enjoying our new space too much and didn't take many snapshots.)
Charity Update
- Member Lorna put together Quilts for Pulse for the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild.
- Amy is collecting blocks for the Dallas Modern Quilt Guild for the police officers who were killed.
- Ellen and crew are working on the Ohio Star Block quilt for the Modern Quilt Guild's challenge.
Sewcial Update
Kara announced that the OhCraft Retreat is October 28-30 this year. There is a Facebook group for OHCraft where you can get the details.
AnneMarie Chaney (GenXQuilter) will be here August 20 for her Patchwork Auditions Workshop. We're so excited!
Guild Logo Challenge
In August we'll collect and PICK THE WINNER of the re-design of our logo! We've asked members to paper piece our logo in a color scheme of their choice. The winner will be chosen and then all of the blocks will be sewn together.
Becky and Janine got their blocks from their bee members. Shonna and Carol showed their hive the blocks they want.
Show & Tell!
Becky showed off her 241 Tote (pattern by Noodlehead)
Dana showed the ties she made for a wedding - and she's going to take the ties apart and make a quilt for the bride and groom!
Kathy showed the FINISHED quilt for Kara'a Round Robin from 2015.
Laura made a hexagon quilt and a rectangles & squares quilt.
(sadly, no pics of these projects, sorry!)
- Dorothy showed off a wall hanging she made for her niece's bookshop.
- Michelle sewed together her blocks from her Round Robin blocks from last year.
- Amy made a mini quilt that had curved pieces.
- Ellen B sewed together her blocks from her Round Robin blocks.
- Wendy showed a mini quilt made from EPP clamshells for a birthday gift.
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